Immigration Main About Services FAQs Library Contact Get Started English Spanish Make A Payment Hablamos Español (480) 907-0455 Get Your Case Started (480) 907-0455 How to Sponsor an Immigrant Friend While you can’t petition for a friend’s immigrant visa or Green Card (only family members can do that), you can financially sponsor a friend’s immigration petition with Form I-864 , Affidavit of Support. If your friend is applying for an immigrant visa, you should file Form I-864 when your friend has scheduled an interview with a consular officer at the US Embassy or Consulate. If your friend is already in the United States and needs you to sponsor them for an adjustment to permanent resident status (aka a Green Card), you may file Form I-864 when they submit their application for an adjustment of status. However, before you commit to financially sponsoring your friend’s immigration petition, you should understand exactly what it is that you’re committing to....
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